Unpacking God’s Gifts: Peace

Meditate: John 14:27

Extended Reading: John 14:15-31


  • What is troubling your heart?
  • What is causing fear in your life?
  • How has God’s peace given you comfort in a difficult time?

Relate: When I was seven, my family and I were told that I would need to have surgery.  I had a small lump in my neck and the specialist thought it might be lymphoma.  One night, while I was sleeping, I had a dream: a bright light appeared and I knew it was God.  He told me to trust in him.  A few weeks later, my grandparents were taking my family and I to the American Girl Doll Store.  My grandpa accidentally took a wrong turn on the way there.  What I saw was amazing: right in front of me was the hospital where I was to have my surgery.  In that moment, peace flooded over me and I knew that God was right there with me.  God wanted to prove that he was in control and I could trust in him.

Peace Brings Perseverance: The words in John 14:27 were spoken by Jesus to his disciples.  He knew that he would be leaving them, and they would face difficult times.  But he promised them that he would give them peace so they would not need to fear.  At the time, the disciples didn’t understand what Jesus meant.  But as we read the New Testament, we see that Jesus’ promise of peace helped them persevere through persecution – they were not afraid, but instead they openly trusted God.  They prayed as they were being stoned, sang while in prison, and shared the gospel when their lives were threatened.

Peace in Difficulty: People often talk about how God is good and that he helps us.  But during that time, I felt that if God was truly good, he would heal me so that I didn’t need surgery.  However, God used my fears and even my surgery to give me peace and show me that I could trust him.  This verse doesn’t promise that good things will always happen; it tells me that God will always give me peace.  This gift of God’s peace overcame my fear and gave me great comfort in a difficult time.  I have faced hard things in my life, but I always remember how God gave me peace and I have hope because he continues to give me peace in the midst of difficulty.

Family Fun:

  • Sing: The Fruits of the Spirit  (This will sound familiar!  We’ll be practicing this song all summer!!)
  • Grapes of Peace
  • The Fruits of the Spirit: Decodable
  • Word Search
  • Create a new tradition: whenever you drop your kiddo off somewhere, say “God’s peace be with you.”  Write it on the inside window of the car by where they sit with liquid chalk or dry erase markers.  OR write on the back window to share with other drivers!

Chat Prompts:

  • What makes you feel afraid?
  • What does peace feel like?

On The Road: Memorize John 14:27 so you can share it with your child on the road.  As you drive your child to school, church, or daycare, pray that God will give them the gift of peace while you are away from them.  Teach them that God is always with them, and that his gift of peace will help them not be afraid.

  • Preschool Kids:  As you buckle your child into their car seat, ask them how they feel when you are away.  What do they worry about?  What helps them feel better?  As you drive to wherever you will be dropping them off, let them know that God is always with them, and that Jesus promised to give us peace so that we don’t have to be afraid.  Before you say goodbye, pray together, thanking Jesus for his gift of peace.

Elementary Kids: As you are driving, ask your child how you can be praying for them while you are away.  What troubles or concerns do they have?  What helps them feel comforted?  Remind them that God is always with them.  Practice saying John 14:27 and invite your child to learn the verse as well.  Ask them what Jesus meant when he promised to give us peace.  How can that give them comfort when you are away?  Together, thank Jesus for his gift of peace.

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