Click Here and print the FREE resource pages: ‘Memorizing The Map’ and ‘Souvenir Scrapbook’ (print a set for each child in your home). We will be using these pages throughout our study of the books of the Bible.
Memorizing the Map: Before you take off on the road trip of a lifetime, take a good look at the map! Use the table of contents in your Bible. These are the stops we’ll be making on our journey. Memorizing them in order will help you find verses and stories in the Bible in the same way that memorizing the alphabet helps you find things in a dictionary or an encyclopedia.
Souvenir Scrapbook: We will be referencing the scrapbook all along our journey through the Bible. Keeping a scrapbook is a wonderful way for children to respond to the road trip in a personal way. They can include activities and projects, as well as their own thoughts and ideas, artwork, and poetry. I can’t wait to see everyone’s scrapbooks when we are done with our journey!!
Genesis – Old Testament: The Law
- Author: Moses
- Time Line: 1450 B.C. – 1400 B.C.
- Purpose: Genesis records God’s creation of the world and His plan to have a people set apart to worship Him.
- Key People: Adam, Eve, Noah, Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Joseph
- Key Verse: Genesis 17:7
- Trip Tip: The events of Genesis span a greater duration of time than any other book in the Bible. Chapters 1-11 are about Creation and civilization. Chapters 12-50 tell the accounts of the patriarchs.
Travel Guide: Genesis is to the Bible what Chicago is to the real Route 66 – the beginning. The word genesis means origin or generation. Genesis sets the itinerary for the entire Bible; however, we don’t have to travel too far before there is some engine trouble. As we read in chapter 3, the engine trouble is man’s decision to ignore the rules of the road put in place by God. Man’s sin sets in motion God’s repair work. This repair work or restoration is called redemption and is first mentioned in Genesis 3:15. The story of God’s power to redeem man is like the yellow line down the middle of the road running through all 66 books of the Bible.
Getting Ready: Use these warm-up questions to see what your children already know and to prepare them for their trip.
- Who were the first man and woman? (Adam and Eve)
- Who built an ark to save his family? (Noah)
- Who did God promise to make the “father of many nations”? (Abraham)
- How many brothers did Joseph have? (11)
Road Map:
- Genesis 1-3: Creation
- Genesis 6-9: Noah
- Genesis 12: Abraham
- Genesis 15: God’s Covenant
- Genesis 27-28: Jacob
- Genesis 37: Joseph
Trip Begins:
- Distribute the Souvenir Scrapbooks, pencils or markers, and glue sticks to your kiddos. Direct them to find the destination Genesis on their Route 66 maps. Have them write the number ‘1’ in the space provided next to the word Genesis.
- Use the Travel Guide (above) to introduce the book of Genesis.
- Read the Key Verse (Genesis 17:7) and write it on the Souvenir Scrapbooks.
- Begin the trip by reading from one or more of the stories listed under Road Map (above). Have the children take turns reading aloud to the family or take part in acting out the stories.
Fuel Up: It’s time to ‘fuel up.’ Use your Bible to answer these questions about the book of Genesis – the first stop on our road trip!
- How many chapters are in the book of Genesis?
- The first three chapters tell the story of:
- Who fought and killed his brother in chapter 4?
- Chapters 6-9 tell the story of:
- Where did people begin to speak different languages? (Genesis 11: 1-9)
- Whom did God call to be the father of a nation of people He would set apart for Himself? (Genesis 12: 1-3)
- God changed Abram’s name to Abraham and Abram’s wife to Sarai’s name to Sarah. (Genesis 17: 5, 15) What did the couple name their miracle baby? (Genesis 21: 1-7)
- Whom or what did God ask Abraham to sacrifice on Mount Moriah? (Genesis 22: 1-19)
- What were the names of Isaac’s twin sons? (Genesis 25: 24-26)
- God gave Jacob, whom He later named Israel, 12 sons. What were their names? (Genesis 35: 23-26)
- Who was Jacob’s favorite son and what did his father give him? (Genesis 37: 1-4)
- Why did Joseph forgive his brothers for selling him into slavery in Egypt? (Genesis 45: 8-11)
Mile Marker: Which of these stories in Genesis is your favorite – the one most interesting or meaningful to you? Why? Write about it in your Souvenir Scrapbook or on another sheet of paper.
Adventures in Genesis: Look up one of the stories in the Scriptures below. Try to imagine what it would have been like to experience the adventure yourself. Draw a picture of something that happened in the story. When you’re finished, give your picture a title and sign your name. Add your drawing to the Souvenir Scrapbook.
Song: Sing and practice the actions for the Creation Song
Closing Prayer: Lord, your word is a lamp to our feet and a light to our path. Thank you that we can live in Your light and walk in Your truth. May the things that you have revealed and thoughts that we have shared dwell in our hearts and stir us to action. We ask all this in the precious name of Jesus. Amen.
This seems like such a fun family activity. I love that you consider the author, and historical significance even when doing devotionals with kids it will help them get into the habit of seeing the Bible as part of history and not simply “stories.” Love this!