4-26-2020 Sunday School For All: Jesus Ascends Into Heaven

This lesson outline is made available for you to work into your own home devotional life. As you read through the information below, please let Renae Belobraydich know if you have any questions, or if she can help in any way. 

Opening Prayer

Dear Father, how wondrous it would have been to witness Jesus’ ascension into heaven! With joyful anticipation I await the day he returns. Bless my remaining time on earth with a strong faith so that I willingly share the good news of my Savior and remain faithful until the end.  In Jesus’ name I pray. Amen.

This Sunday’s Lesson: Jesus Ascends Into Heaven

In our Bible lesson, Jesus had completed the work that the Father had sent him into the world to do, and it was time for him to leave this world and return to his Father in heaven. But Jesus did some very special things during the 40 days he stayed on earth before ascending (going up) into heaven.

Read: Mark 16:19, Luke 24: 50-53, Acts 1: 1-11

Aim: What did Jesus do for his disciples before he ascended into heaven?

TRUTH: Jesus taught his disciples and promised to send the Holy Spirit.

 – Application: Jesus left this earth only after teaching and guiding the disciples who would begin his church.

 – Response: We trust that our risen and ascended Savior will always teach and guide us through his Word.

Lesson Summary: During the 40 days after Easter, Jesus often met with his disciples and instructed them in God’s Word. He promised to be with them and to send God the Holy Spirit tothem. On the 40th day, Jesus met his disciples on a hill outside of Bethany. There he blessed them and ascended into heaven.

Memory Treasures: Matthew 28:20b


  • Give each child a white paper plate.  Instruct the children to draw a large happy face on one side of their plates.
  • Ask: What did Jesus come to earth to do? [He came to live perfectly, suffer, die, and rise to save people.]
  • Say: Jesus stayed on earth for 40 days after he rose from the dead. He ate with the disciples. He walked and talked with them. He wanted them to know for sure that he had risen.
  • Do: Draw a simple school building on the board.
  • Ask: While you’re in school, who is always there to help you if you don’t understand something? [The teacher.]
  • Say: When you’re an adult and all done with school, you’ll be on your own. Jesus knew his disciples would soon be alone, because in a short time he would go back to heaven.
  • Ask: What work did Jesus want the disciples to do after he left? [Tell others about Jesus.]
  • Say: Jesus often met with his disciples to strengthen them in his Word. He told them he would always be with them. Jesus is always with us too, and he teaches us with his [Word].
  • Do: Draw a Bible on the board.
  • Say: Jesus told his disciples to go wait in Jerusalem after he was gone.
  • Ask: Why were the disciples to wait in Jerusalem? [They were to wait for Jesus to send the Holy Spirit.]  What were the disciples to do after the Holy Spirit had come to them? [Go and tell everyone about the Savior.]
  • Say:  On the 40th day after Jesus had come back to life, he met with his disciples one last time and encouraged them.
  • Do: Draw a hill. Add stick figures to represent Jesus and the disciples.
  • Ask: Then what amazing thing happened as Jesus blessed the disciples? [He ascended (went up) into heaven.]  Why could the disciples no longer see him? [A cloud hid him.]
  • Do: Erase one stick figure. Draw a cloud above the hill.
  • Say: Although it may seem sad that we cannot walk and talk with Jesus as the disciples did, we know he still uses his Word to teach and strengthen us. Listen to some sentences I will read. Raise your happy-face plate in the air if you think the sentence gives us a good reason to be happy.
  • Jesus is still with us every day, watching over and protecting us at home, at school, and wherever we may be. [Raise happy face.] 
  • Jesus continues to give us the blessings of faith and forgiveness through his Word. [Raise happy face.]
  • We have Jesus’ promise that he will take us to be with him in his heavenly home. [Raise happy face.]

Together: Practice Singing Jesus Is Amazing and then One, two, three – Jesus is ALIVE!

Activity Ideas:

  • Watch Jesus’ Ascension
  • Sing: I love to sing a joyful song
  • Report The News: Pretend to be a television reporter. Wear a hat and coat, and carry a notebook or a real or fake microphone. Have someone pretend to be disciples. Interview them as they go to Jerusalem after witnessing Jesus’ ascension.
  • Share The Good News: Write the Easter story and about Jesus’ ascension.  Include pictures to help tell the story. Share with your friends and family virtually!

Closing Prayer:

Dear Jesus, thank you for teaching and guiding us through your Word. Help us tell others what we know about you. Then send your Holy Spirit into their hearts so that they can believe in you and be saved. Amen.

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