This lesson outline is made available for you to work into your own home devotional life. As you read through the information below, please let Renae Belobraydich know if you have any questions, or if she can help make this transition easier for our Sunday School kiddos learning from home.
Opening Prayer
Dear Jesus, when my troubles overwhelm me, remind me of your limitless power and love. Forgive me for my weak faith, and help me trust that you will help me. Amen.
This Sunday’s Lesson: Jesus Calms The Storm
In our Bible lesson, Jesus used his power to help his disciples learn to trust him. Listen to find out how Jesus helped his disciples during a terrible storm.
Jesus and his disciples were sailing across the Sea of Galilee when a terrible storm arose and threatened to sink their boat. Jesus was asleep, and the terrified disciples cried out to him for help. Jesus used his almighty power to stop the storm immediately.
Read: Matthew 8:23-27, Mark 4:35-41, and Luke 8:22-25
Aim: How did Jesus help his disciples during a terrible storm?
TRUTH: Jesus helped his disciples by calming the storm.
– Application: Jesus has power to help us in times of trouble.
– Response: We are confident that Jesus will help us in times of trouble.
Lesson Summary: Jesus and his disciples were sailing across the Sea of Galilee when a terrible storm arose and threatened to sink their boat. Jesus was asleep, and the terrified disciples cried out to him for help. Jesus used his almighty power to stop the storm immediately.
Memory Treasures:
- Ask: What ‘almighty’ means. Explain that Jesus uses his almighty power to care for our bodies (by providing food, clothes,and shelter) and our souls (by saving us from our sins). Sing “Praise to the Lord, the Almighty”.
- Ask: Why is a teacher’s job so important? [Teachers help students learn.] Explain that only one teacher did the job perfectly, and that teacher was Jesus. Ask: Who were Jesus’ students? [Disciples.]
- Ask: What was the most important thing that he taught them. [That he is the Savior.]
- Do: Give the children two minutes to draw something they are afraid of. Explain that they will not have to share their drawings if they do not wish to.
- Say: The disciples were very afraid of a [storm].
- Ask: Why did the waves and the storm scare the disciples? [Their boat could sink, and they could drown.]
- Ask: How do you know that Jesus was not afraid of the storm? [He slept in the back of the boat during the storm.]
- Ask: Why did the disciples think Jesus could help them? [They had seen Jesus do many miracles and knew he had great power.]
- Ask: What happened as soon as Jesus spoke to the storm? [Everything became calm and quiet.]
- Do: Read or recite the Genesis 1:1 memory treasure.
- Ask: Why did the wind and waves have to obey Jesus? [He made them. He is God and has power over everything.]
- Do: Have those who are willing show their pictures. For each picture, ask the students what they would say to help the child who has a trouble like the one pictured. Example: For a picture of a child with a broken arm, a classmate could say, “I’ll play games and watch movies with you to keep you company. I’ll pray that Jesus will use his power to heal your arm.
- Say: We know that Jesus has power to help us with any kind of [trouble]. Ask How did Jesus help his disciples during a storm? [He calmed the storm.]
- Say: Jesus created the world, including the wind and the waves, and he has power over all things. We are sure he can help us whenever we have [troubles].
Together: Practice Singing Jesus Is Amazing and then One, two, three – Jesus is ALIVE!
Activity Ideas:
- Watch: Jesus Calms The Storm
- Retelling the story: Tell the story from the disciple’s point of view. Draw waves on a cardboard box, sit in the box ‘boat. Wear a costume (robe, headdress, sandals). Express the disciple’s fear during the storm and wonder after Jesus performed the miracle.
- Superheroes: Draw or craft your favorite superhero. Then discuss how many superheroes that we see in movies or on television have one weakness along with their superpowers. Reminder: Jesus has NO weakness. He is the PERFECT, SINLESS, ALMIGHTY Son of God.
- Sing: When is the time to trust?
- Sing: God laid my sins on Jesus
- Sing & Watch (we have sang this before!!): Jesus is my superhero
Closing Prayer:
Dear Jesus, thank you for dying on a cross to take care of our biggest problem—sin. We know that you will always help us with our problems and protect us. Thank you for using your almighty power to help us! Strengthen our faith so that we always trust you in times of trouble. We praise you, almighty Lord! Amen.